2007-09-09 // 15:14:01
oh, love, love love.
mhmm (v&f)

Thank you very much!

2007-06-25 // 22:13:30
like the Buddha, I am thinking you must have the ushnishia on the top of your head as well??
I haven't noticed, but i'll check it out right now...

nop, only hair.

2007-05-22 // 14:54:10
You know this is so funny, I was searching through the cupboards today at work for some transparency sheets cuz I had the idea to do this myself. Like minds I guess hey!

Well I really do like what you've done with it, and am keen to try this out myself now that I know it works. Now to find some sheets... :)

Oh and it was the mac computer widget translator :)

2007-05-22 // 14:21:09
haha no I'm not that multi-lingual. I used a translator program... soo yeh I cheated :(

Did you happen to write the text directly onto the polaroid, or did you slip in an overhead transparency? I definately have to experiment a little more...

Exactly, we wrote the text on transparency sheets (like the one used for overhead projectors, i don't know how to explain it better in englsih) and also sticked the slide film on it. Then we put all into the cartridge and exposed the shot. And i must say you have a pretty good translator!

2007-05-22 // 07:18:30
Damn I was going to try this! Beat me to it... :)

PS. I just translated the text
"And the drops of perennial rain in the ceiling of the van definian
And your eyes in my eyes, and my eyes in your eyes,
And our almost naked bodies, and our almost naked minds,
And the train that escapes with the sound of rain... "


Oh, impressive! Your translation is way better than mine! Hablas español? Supongo que sí! The text is a poem made by Dr. Flamingo, i'll tell him you liked it... And try it, i'm curious to see your version!

2007-05-22 // 03:03:03
Absolutely beautiful, very creative.
Thank you very much!

2007-05-15 // 05:44:43
My god, i never knew you could do that with Polaroid. How? Regardless, I love it. V&F!
Thank you so much for your nice words! Those were made inserting inside the cartridge film negatives and trasnparent paper written. I appreciate you like it

2007-05-05 // 16:55:32
i love this
Thank you very much!

2007-04-15 // 22:09:17
Todo perfecto!

The picture, the colurs, tje composition, the poem....


Grazie mile, Mr. Fab!!!

2007-04-15 // 03:53:50
wow..i love this!

2007-04-04 // 12:31:32
OH! I like this!! Great job amigo!
Merci, merci!

2007-04-01 // 21:25:10
huh, i missed this too! vota.
who exactly is dr. flamingo, and why does he have such a strange name?

It's not his real name. He's an artistic so he made himself an artistic name.

In other words, i have no idea why.

2007-03-30 // 10:38:05
Huh, I missed these! I just voted. They are grrrrreat.
Thank you, Estherilla!

2007-03-29 // 09:33:40
el poeta , el poeta , el poeta
Thank you, thank you, i'll tell him!

2007-03-28 // 22:46:50
wow. very nice. its moments like this i wish my spanish(??) was better....such a great concept.


"And the permanent rain drops hitting the roof of the van defined silence,

And your eyes in my eyes, and my eyes in your eyes,

And our bodies almost naked and our minds almost naked,

And the train that goes away with the sound of the rain...."

It loses a lot with the clumsy translation, but at least now you can understand more or less

2007-03-28 // 14:16:03
Great concept!
Thank you very much!

2007-03-28 // 13:20:29
Congratulations to 4Ojos!
Nice technique and use.

Eycharisto, mister!

2007-03-28 // 08:04:58
Really nice work with a lot of heart and soul!!!
Thank you, master!

2007-03-27 // 19:58:46
Dejadme entrar en esta furgoneta...

Maestro Urizen, cada vez veo cosas mas linda!!!

Gracias, estás invitado a subir!

2007-03-27 // 05:37:31
nice set !!
vote+ fav

Thank you, Mr. Nutkarb!

2007-03-27 // 05:36:25
your use of text is very cool, the neg. are nostalgic like.great piece. vote
Thank you very much!

2007-03-27 // 03:19:24
La verdad es que esta serie es una preciosidad. Si en el fondo tienes sentimientos y los sabes transmitir en las fotos. Mis más profundas felicitaciones maestro. Un ole muy fuerte a los 2.
Olé, ya estás aquí!

2007-03-26 // 14:50:24
Que belleza de trabajo... Funciona a todos los niveles. Enhorabuena a los dos!

2007-03-26 // 10:27:27
amazing... just amazing.

Thank you very much!

2007-03-26 // 10:19:20

Joder, pero como tienes esta imaginación!!! Me encanta!!

Gracias, Rafa! El mérito es del Dr. Flamingo, le diré que te gustó

2007-03-26 // 05:56:19
v+f fer sure. beautiful.
Thank you very much!