2007-03-29 // 20:47:22 k_tenmiller they don't make iZone anymore??
I know that in the US it was discontinued in 2006.
2007-03-29 // 19:45:21 drewbaker welcome. it's a good place. =]
2007-03-29 // 19:26:43 drewbaker i dig this. v+f. i think anything this good with the izone definitely deserves a vote. it is a nice mosaic though.
Thanks a bunch. Im new here and appreciate all the comments.
2007-03-29 // 19:23:16 Valley-Forge Hi,very nicely done, well done. I bought cheap and was given loads of out-of-date izone film which is in my fridge, if you have a Izone 200 you can still buy new short dated 200 film from Polaroid UK but not sure where they will ship to, check out the web-site, Polaroid, UK and hit the 600/Izone film link. Cheers Paul
Thanks for the info. I know that you can still get izone film on ebay, but they are charging an arm and a leg for it. Something upwards of 25 dollars for a single pack. Ill have to check out the UK site and see if they will ship to the US.