2007-05-07 // 16:14:02
ciao bluecharlotte, what' s happen in my "spring"...18 votes!!!
ahahah...crazy blucharlotte, thx my dear!!! you should give my links more often...joke : )
thx dear, glad you like my spring : )

no problem. it is a wonderful picture!

2007-04-11 // 02:20:05

i love how the teddy bear on the right is almost as big as you!

xo kristen

2007-04-05 // 03:21:17
freakin' awesome (again) ... is your other CB handle 'super charger'? if not, it should be. 10-4 good buddy ... 1 v.
i think it definitely is now! :)

2007-04-04 // 03:46:26
how super sweet are these?! lovin' your blue outfit, girl ;-)

2007-04-02 // 18:11:17
cute, really cute.
yeah, too bad i had to grow up ;)

2007-04-02 // 12:39:57
So nice...
thank you!

2007-04-02 // 07:03:11
Hi, I was being typical Valley-Forge cheeky, sorry I meant between the little girl and the bear, which was you :)))))))) The bunches - how my little girl used to have her hair. Cheers from the UK, Paul

2007-04-01 // 22:21:39
very sweet, you certainly had a sense of fashion all your own, on the right- which one is you :)))))) super pictures
they are actually both me. i think i am younger in the one on the left, maybe taken in '78 not '79. thanks for the comment!

2007-04-01 // 21:45:05
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, lovely!
thank you!

2007-04-01 // 21:24:12
greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ! ! ! ! !
everyone should have polas of his childhood...
but quite few of us have this chance.
vote & fav

thanks so much! i was debating whether or not to upload these pics, but i am glad i did the more i think about it.