2007-05-08 // 05:16:41 patrick_winfield i agree- great shots- some cool lookin horses ;)
thanks very much patrick - i'm such a sucker for horses i'm afraid...
2007-04-14 // 07:12:37 k_tenmiller i can't believe this hasn't gotten sotd yet. it definitely will....mark my words....
no, anonymity is preferable.....!
2007-04-03 // 13:54:47 chalky you're getting some serious pola love for this one! 6 votes! I'll make it 7...
I like the way the RHS horse joins the LHS one. aimed for of course!
safe as
kind of aimed for ert. they were standing next to each other. and wanted different colour for each different horse in the story. so, they were always gonna fit quite well!