2007-06-28 // 20:09:46
i looked for KY in the country list but didn't see it.
i've been to Grand Cayman. is this the spot where you snorkel with stingrays? that pier looks familiar now. i knew that was Caribbean water.

Yes, yes! We had just swam with the sting rays (my second time doing so).

Here is my nephew kissing one:
Apparently KY is their code, wierd: »link

2007-06-28 // 20:00:14
this one's nice too. where'd you shoot this? really in KY?
I took it in Geroge Town, Grand Cayman (part of the Cayman Islands). Apparently KY is their country code....

2007-04-05 // 03:16:24
i'm calling the pink one ;-)

wonderful color.

Good, because I call the teal!

I also have a digital image of this I will upload to my flickr to show you.