2007-08-02 // 05:19:19
Matthew Kern
So beautiful I must say.........I have been looking through your work and if you dont mind adding you as a friend to remember............

2007-06-02 // 17:25:20
Klar doch!
(ich weiß, meine Komplimente sind oft schwer als solche zu enttarnen :)

ich übe mich :-)

2007-06-02 // 16:55:40
... ich meine natürlich dein Selbstportrait
haha du nudel :-)

und danke...... ist hoffentlich ein Kompliment das alles das das !

2007-06-02 // 16:54:46
Das Bild in Worten zu beschreiben wäre sehr schwierig für mich, aber da ich es nicht muß, schaue ich es mir einfach gerne an.

2007-05-24 // 15:37:41
very nice feeling like it,

thanks :-)

2007-05-07 // 12:56:34
Oh shit! you've just shot you? ;)
Really nice atmosphere!

2007-05-06 // 01:16:14
the right one is... out of time.
Did you also make a transcendental trip and met the ghost of louise brooks ?

2007-04-12 // 23:58:17
my mistake... I did not know. Full sensor to you! ;)

2007-04-12 // 20:48:19
Marina Tsvetaeva's fringe! ;) (I could not believe you started digital photography...)
I do digital work since 4 years. No film no Polaroid until a year ago. Why started? It is my main work in the artistic area.

2007-04-09 // 19:02:09
Lia, the ripening of your photographical sense is clearly seen on these sepia images made in Malta. Very moody pictures. Grats and grats!
I do not feel the same way towards these images, as you suggested in the first sentence, as these are very simple documentary compositions mainly, something I am rarely interested in with Polaroids (I photograph digitally mostly »link ) but if it is how you see it I do thank you very much for seeing development.
But to me personally these images certainly don't belong to development, I even felt like regressing just shooting to test the film lol :-) But thanks so much. Glad I did not get stuck in dilettantism then here!! ! Thanks.

2007-04-09 // 12:07:05
lovely set... vote!
thanks so much