2006-03-11 // 08:54:11
having fun with that super-cam?!!! :)))
OH yes! It's so cool, but when you take it out on the street I've had some people think it's a broadcast quality TV camera it's so big!

2006-03-10 // 10:51:36
hy, is your daughter? It's pretty, smart, sweet and cute. smart. so stylizious the gesture. And I love colors like sixblueten. great!
Thank you marta, yes, that is my beloved tiny one...

2006-03-10 // 04:52:27
Now this is a great kid shot. Greens + shadow + gorgeous child . . love the shadow on the knee. Wow!
Thanks sixblueten, yes, I'm blessed, truly! The first thing I noticed when I peeled the film apart was the shadow following the leg (funny how I often don't notice stuff before I press the shutter release!) but I thought...hey, that's cool!

2006-03-10 // 04:06:32
Mr. AP, you really make me wanna get a family, with wife and daughters! You make it look like paradise!
Mr. Urizen, I do live in paradise, but enjoy your youth while you can and then reproduce! It is a genetic imperitive! The gene pool needs more creative dna like yours...besides which, having kids is not only pure joy (occassionally like a little hell too it must be said..but only rarely) but you've always got willing subject matter (well if your kids are show-offs like mine!)