2007-06-04 // 22:54:05 toddy Here, here! really flipping
nice. Might give this a go myself!
thanks again man. it's fun. never hrts to experiment!!
2007-04-30 // 02:23:18 sixblueten and one would be making a solid argument. the lighting imperfectoins make this shot to me. . .if we want perfect, we go with film or digital, no? time and place for perfect. . . this is perfect in its imperfectitudedude.
hahaha imperfectitude. greatest word ever.
2007-04-29 // 21:28:19 sixblueten Real nice treatment here. . .inspires me to give this a whirl. But, I won't. My head hurts and my mom's in town. AH well.
thanks again tod. it was a fun process, but the uneven lighting killed me a bit. half of his face looks natural. and half him looks orange. but then again, one could make the argument it fits with the nature of the whole thing. division. haha wow. i'm stoned and rambling.