2010-10-23 // 12:39:58
i'll do a spotlight and send you the results.
(that much to my electric eclectic ;)

2010-10-22 // 17:53:33
i have a x-sync adapter for the sx-70, and a list of the f-stops it gives at given distances, but i never got into playing with it. no start even ;-)

I have one of those too but it doesn't work. I really would like to fix it but my book, 'Electronics For Dummies', is too advanced for me. ;-)

I would like to see that f-stop.

/good email today. thanks. i'll reply soon but maybe monday is soonest. always wanted a plaubel./

2010-10-22 // 16:35:08
i always thought the amount of the flashlight is triggered by focus. it never came to my mind the amount of light gets metered in the moment of exposure.
or? or did you meter the monolight and calculated that in?

I remember setting my meter to ISO 640 & adjusting the light until I got somewhere between 16 & 22. I only ever made this one. I was just testing to see how it worked with the intention of eventually shooting a person with this setup. The end. ;-)

2008-07-26 // 13:46:46
greattttttttt shot men!

Thanks Mrlavinyl. Bet this one hasn't had a view in a while. I should post the rest of the doll series.

2007-04-30 // 17:50:47
great on, V, your running for a SotD.
Was reading your intro and was thinking about Seinfeld fighting about if it was "to get off the wagon" or "on the wagon". Well I don't knew, I'm just a simple Swede... But now I knew that it wasn't just made up.

hello again Pola_Me. thanks for the V. i missed that particular Seinfeld (i'm sure i'll see it one day) & i had to re-read my profile page to see how I said that. when you're an AA member your not suppose to drink when you're "on the wagon" so i guess i got that right. as a "recovering polaholic" i haven't been shooting so i've been "on the wagon". since discovering & exploring polanoid i've decided to leap head first off that wagon. i hope this made some sort of sense...i've been drinking... ;-). sorry for so many (")'s in this reply.
charter member of PA*

*polaholics anynomous

2007-04-27 // 22:51:27
this is great. creepy great. great colors great. say great one more time.
great thanks.

2007-04-27 // 03:09:04
she's really quite sweet once you get to know her.

2007-04-26 // 16:38:16
Giulia Gomiero
great! spectral pic!
thanks Giulia. she's always been one of my favorites.