2007-11-19 // 15:05:32
another great portrait.
another great tip.

unfortunately, it completely fucked up a few days later, wasted me one or two films. but while being on her last moves, I thought 'what the hell!' and took polaroids near, close and under a fabolous fountain made by an artist in Riga. got completely wet of course. me and the camera. to the joy of a young boy who was also playing there.
that's the bad side about beeing addicted: with experiences like this, you think twice if you sort out a camera you don't need. what if the other...? but collected way too much stuff. will exhibit some of it, that's good, but on the other side I really have to sort out. difficult.
yeah. I also like this portrait a lot.

2007-08-09 // 10:00:30

yes, fav.
I am sentimental today. It's sunday. And Autumn. And I'm not in RIGA.