2007-05-03 // 08:08:01
Yesss.... this is a great concept and a very good realization!


2007-05-03 // 06:50:56
It's always the same with me. I have been getting good responses with my tunnel pic on Flickr but no takers on Polanoid. I can't work it out... Well at least you discovered what's important... my opinion ;)

Give it a few days, I'm ssure you'll get plenty more comments!

2007-05-03 // 05:10:08
Faved on Flickr, faved on Polanoid. Lovely as always...


Thanks! I am really proud of this one but no one seems to be responding to it. So it makes me happy that you like it. That way I can just think "Screw them Kat likes it"!