2007-06-18 // 20:02:54
oh, i must vote for this beautiful landscape!
That's Sonoma County for you. . .helps drive the price of living!

2007-05-17 // 21:32:02

2007-05-06 // 17:40:31
"Another camera. You have too many cameras."
Hahahaha!! Awesome reply!

(Also: awesome photo! (: )

2007-05-04 // 13:03:51
wow. love that.
could write pages now. but they wouldn't do justice to.

And I thought he was missing me entirely. . . . his little hands could only JUST reach the trigger.

2007-05-04 // 11:34:02
good job, I'd say ...
like my 4-yrs-old nephew Noah ... they will become great photographers one day ...

Or be so turned off by then. As I was opening the box for this camera, I asked him "What do you think is inside?" To which he replied, "Another camera. You have too many cameras."