2007-05-30 // 23:12:29
AWSOME! how did this NOT make SotD!?!?!
Dont come a knocking if orezemit's vans a rocken lol

2007-05-07 // 21:37:31
-Scoty i need power to the engines
-Well captin, she´s not prepare for war you know? ( you have to reda this whith a scotish acent :-)
But any way i like the manipulation, it´s realy cool.

Ay! jmgcg.
a wee bit o tha scotch always helps!

2007-05-06 // 09:34:23
Wow !! vert great MP.
Thank you nutkarb.

2007-05-06 // 00:50:34
My god the borgas are coming Warp speed my SULU
warp engines are offline cap'n!
we'll have to take evasive action!

2007-05-04 // 18:59:38
yes, this is a gate trhough time...
the wormhole effect!

2007-05-04 // 18:44:51
It looks like a wormhole, something came out from the past :-)
Thanks again jmgcg.
Is that a Borg cube in the background?!?

2007-05-04 // 17:49:38
groovy baby, excellent:)
Thanks V-F.

Glad it got your goove goin'