2007-05-16 // 12:52:50 themonkeyking full of beauty aka B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L-L
2007-05-14 // 13:37:10 centecente I wil ldo the same with your portfolio, but for the moment what I seen is a good serie of photo, especially the building serie
2007-05-11 // 17:32:01 centecente really a nice work, a nice manipulation
your stuff is great
thanks you centecente.
i've only gone thorugh a portion of your portfolio and what i've seen is awsome. i plan on doing more looking than posting this week & look forward to seeing all of your work.
2007-05-08 // 20:49:17 Valley-Forge my god, it is truly stunning, a masterpiece of the craft - if only there was a way to get sx-70 made again, but alas..... another vote is in order I think! v+f
2007-05-08 // 20:18:08 joster Another great one. I usually prefer unmanipulated timezeros but this has a true picturesque quality to it. Favoted
2007-05-08 // 20:09:21 zveliakine amazing what sx70 can do.... also amazing to know that the number of manipulated wonders like this one is already limited... who will manipulate the last one ? There should be a ceremony...