2007-05-18 // 15:25:29
...que linda en serio!!!

2007-05-17 // 22:32:51
hooo. esta me fascina, hiciste bien en tomarla estas personas valen la pena de ser fotografadas!!!!

Tienes razón. Yo nunca hago retratos, pero cuando ví estas mujeres.... De verdad son la gente más buena y sencilla que he conocido.. Un ejemplo a seguir!

2007-05-13 // 22:31:36
ahaha... I should yes.... truly... I have the urge to go you know... I just might bringa my geeky camera with me ;)

2007-05-13 // 17:49:49
well captured scene...!
and the colors are well balanced.....

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.

2007-05-11 // 09:17:42
oooh.... she is just adorable! You are really geting great colors you know? The reds and oranges are so vibrant. I like all Ljubljana shots :) (I wonder why? ;) )
Thank you dear nini. Yes, I think this one turned out nice. If you like the shots, perhaps you should visit the city one day.. ;-)