2007-05-11 // 23:05:59
Hugh Whitaker
ah yes wasn't!

2007-05-11 // 22:25:08
ok, ok :o)
and no, Hugh didn't have a chance to meet Lomo. dogs can't fly to UK without a special blood test (which costs loads of money and you have to wait 6 months to enter the country after the result).
anyway, did i tell you why i chose that name for him?

yes, i read it somewhere.. ;-)

2007-05-11 // 21:38:24
Ribbit ribbit! (That's yes in frog) You may call me a sweethearted, heavylifting, window gazing, 600SE-tank.

(Btw, when did this film expire? I'm trying to calculate my results here, or something. Your, or mine, 6 packs of film put a smile on my face every time I open the fridge)

12-06. had one or two 07 or 05-06, colours about the same, slightly washed, but chemicals on the back squeezing out, on most of the 12-06 not, but on some.
I have a shelf here which puts a smile on my face each time i enter the kitchen :-) wasn't able to think how many i would need, so I just filled the suitcase...if not now, next time and more place for cameras, hehe

2007-05-11 // 19:46:12
Please say there's also a cat named Holga, a goldfish named Fisheye and a green little frog, like myself, called Frogeye. They would make a great favtastic four!
in germany that would be close to the "bremer stadtmusikanten" - but eventually I may call you my 600SE-tank, sweetheart?

2007-05-11 // 19:22:58
Hugh Whitaker
i was lucky enough to meet Lomo, maybe next time
you were? you mean you weren't, eh wasn't?
already had a nice tasty dark latvian beer? lol

2007-05-11 // 18:54:38
well, i shared my doubts with you. but i've got to say you've done a lot to reach the goal :o) let's just leave things to their natural flow, if i can use that polish expression...
come on.. let's tease a bit... promoting for fav-links, inventing a FotD, and the following discussion...

2007-05-11 // 14:23:47
wuff wufffff wufff wuff
(he's happy :o)

he's a star.
but still...nice ratio so far though not nearly 10..which deadline should we consider for our serious consideration?