2007-05-24 // 10:41:26
I'm sorry. Sure I clicked 'more', but I somehow overclicked-jumped- scrolled the whole pole-paragraph. Mor-on me. Of course I get it now.
Hmm, books...definetely a better way to read.
Oh, I read your flickr/polanoid comments in your own guestbook. Did you scroll down? instant-reply-feature... ;-)

ah! right!

as for the square shooter - no they never focus but the beauty I have (it really was it took nice crisp shots) failed me after I dropped it and the lens popped off. I was never able to get the lens back on properly, losing most of it's ability to focus . . . also leading to light leaks like the one in this shot (not the sun) which is great and artsy but not what I want all the time.

2007-05-24 // 00:30:55
i love it. and read your stories. though still don't get it. but that what it is about, drawing connections, right?
what don't you get? did you click 'read more' to get the whole thing? i dunno . . . thanks, however, for the kind words. . .

oh, where did u read my comments on flickr/polanoid?

2007-05-23 // 14:53:19
telephone poles, you? one of the best i've ever seen, but still...wondering..surpris ed :-)
ah . . . i absolutely understand. HOWEVER - I needed it for this story »link Typically, I write the stories to match the pix, but this time it was the other way around. I know. . .telephone polse... ugh!

2007-05-22 // 23:47:11
another great shot.
WM may be selling a few more packs of Choco in the next few days.

If they sell out, it would be c r a z y not to package some more! I'm in line for more, that's for sure!