2006-06-07 // 16:02:53
mon dieu que c'est beau !!!!

2006-03-16 // 20:00:06
what a beautiful shot!
i saw it first while listening to placebo's new album 'meds' (song 'follow the cops back home'). i promise you, that in combination gives you the creeps... thank you LiA***

2006-03-16 // 08:39:36
beautiful shot Lia.

2006-03-15 // 23:38:50
beautiful "high key" picture.

2006-03-15 // 21:06:14
interesting to hear you painted her white :) I once had to do a series of photographs where I changed my ethnicity.... 2 hours later and a lot of makeup and bam I had asian skin! was fun.... must show you the photos some time

2006-03-15 // 21:01:35
back back back! woo

2006-03-15 // 20:38:47
beautifully beautiful!

2006-03-15 // 20:30:00
p.s. I also love the title!
..tehehe thanks!

2006-03-15 // 20:29:42
The reticular formation in the brain is an important pathway in the rousing process. If it is damaged an individual may be incapable of returning to consciousness at all, thus end up forever "sleeping"
Just thought you might be interested, even though you probably know! I find the high key aspect of this picture very appealing.

Artpunk,I could kiss you for that. This is a series I am working on/worked on and what you described already is part of it, so thanks fo pointing it out (never fear I might know it already, I am thirsty for any information about most everything so no wirries even if I already knewthis time) THANK YOU!! :-D