2008-06-02 // 14:52:13

2007-08-29 // 18:02:40
holy. cow.
i'm obsessive, i know. it's embarrassing. heh.

2007-06-18 // 19:29:11
this is where you live?
i like the last row very much.

si. es mi casa. a rental, to be sure. . .home prices in Healdsburg are impossible at present. . .$800K U.S. for anything reasonable. .

2007-06-07 // 21:58:28
wow.. nice wall :D

2007-06-05 // 13:54:54
Don't you care if they will be damaged?

I've done this for a few years now and so far they've been safe and sound. . .but, yes, I do worry!

2007-06-05 // 06:51:31
Great wallpaper!!!!

2007-06-03 // 18:51:31
I guess you moved because the old wall was full?
Hah! Guess we'll be moving soon again then, eh?

2007-06-02 // 12:14:46
thats great. what did you use for fixing them on the wall?
i tried that a few weeks ago, but they kept coming down again...

good old fashioned painter's tape. works like a charm and damages nothing! just about an inch of the stuff on each, made into a tiny loop.

2007-06-02 // 10:05:42
beautiful wall

2007-06-02 // 06:35:03
wow! have you ever seen the movie "One Hour Photo?" this reminds me of it, but way less creepy....

xo kristen

LESS creepy? Awww. . . .

No, haven't seen it .. .meant to a few times but just hasn't made it home with me. This is just a bit obsessive. ..

2007-06-02 // 06:23:01
amazing. i used to have a wall with 350+ but then i started thinking about my house burning down and now i don't keep a polawall anymore :(

2007-06-02 // 02:43:33
best wallpaper i've ever seen.
nice digs 6.

editing my comment.....how many?

Right around 600 . . .