2006-11-21 // 20:03:04
these are beautiful images. the person remaining anonymous adds a ton to each shot. I like the top right pola the most
Thanks Bob. The top right one looks a bit strange I've always thought...which is probably why I like it so much too!

2006-03-18 // 21:39:40
yop yop yop... I agree... this is a nice serie!
Thank you!!

2006-03-17 // 11:09:48
flower flower pants on fire

2006-03-17 // 10:35:09
wow, great artpunk!
i agree, the last one for me too!

Thanks buddy!

2006-03-17 // 09:21:09

2006-03-17 // 07:31:59
i LIKE the "too big"...but it makes me really wonder about that flower! how big IS it?!
Thanks Bonnie, how big? Well, they're your average garden variety daliahs, fairly large blooms I suppose about 4" or 10cm across give or take. I had this one extended in front of me by gripping it's stem (taped to a chopstick between my teeth) Anyone seeing me doing all this would have thought (quite rightly) that I was a bit of a looney!