2009-01-30 // 18:44:50
what a beautiful figure....
she is :-)

2006-11-03 // 16:29:59
This is one is really my favorite of your serie. Just because it is so soft, that I would lik to touch it.
How wonderful to know, it means aöot, it is one of my fave series' up to date, thanks so very much! I hope to see it in Polanoirlarge soon. So excited!

2006-09-27 // 01:12:23
beautiful subtleties in those colors. great!

2006-07-20 // 19:12:12
Very beautiful, it takes full advantage of a Polaroids ability to turn nude skin into an angelic glow.

2006-07-12 // 14:59:46
this is really nice,,,, very soft and warm.... i like that pale color skin...

congrtas lia

Glad you like it, thank you!

2006-06-09 // 01:53:03
wow that is extremely beautiful...
glad you think so, thanks so much!!!

2006-05-29 // 02:07:16
simply beautyfull ...

Thanks so much.
I'll let her know!

2006-04-19 // 17:48:21
hey, ich dachte das bist du,dann nehme ich den "schluck" zurück wenn es nur jemand ist,die zufällig vor deiner ach so aufmerksamen sx 70 linse vorbeigelaufen ist.Versthe mich nich falsch : es ist ein super tolles bild ich dachte nur ein baum mit roten blätter.....
behalte den " schluck" doch, außerdem bist du wieder SotD wenn ich das richtig gemerkt habe und wer gratuliert dir jetzt ?
genau : herr schluck
congratulations in fragmented blue Congr- atul- ations ; -)

schwarz beblättert, der Film hats lilarot gemacht (was eh col aussieht hier) gut, ich bring den Schlucker wieder zurück zu dir, ist per Post recht? :-)
"Model: N" sagt eh alles oda net? Sie ist super! Hat Spaß gemacht das Shooting. Werd mal später noch andere Shots hochladen.
(Carmen dachte übrigens auch, das sei ich. Im Original sieht das rot nicht so rot aus wie hier. Naja.)
Knutttschelerieno du Bayrischer Tannensänger

2006-04-17 // 19:16:39
this is simply fantastic !!! ( schluck....)
Ich werds ihr ausrichten, herr schluck :-D ;-)

2006-04-13 // 20:56:03
das wirkt wunderbar filigran undsensibel...
farblich sehr schön

2006-03-19 // 11:04:26
eerie. a body in suspension...

2006-03-18 // 18:36:43
This image is very beautiful. I love the texture and magenta tones... The curves and shadows... Perfect!!!

2006-03-18 // 04:57:55

2006-03-17 // 13:03:31
like a dream.

2006-03-17 // 09:18:51
hach *träum*

2006-03-17 // 08:49:00
what a great capture, redness...
and yes, amazing colors here...

2006-03-17 // 08:27:46
very beautiful, I love the colours and the curving shapes of the body. It is an artistic nude with out being too in your face and saying 'hey look what I got!'.

I love the pale skin against the slight pinks and blues...... it's like sea shells :) loverly. One of my favourites from you.

2006-03-17 // 08:10:55
Is this a self p? It has the most amazing color!
nope. thanks.

2006-03-17 // 07:01:33
yes, agree with AP- very beautiful. the shape and colours are very nice.

2006-03-17 // 06:26:32
Lovely shape and form in your composition and subject matter with these latest uploads LiA, very beautiful.