Thanks sixblueten! I would have liked a bit more blue in the sky, I'm so hard to please!
2006-03-18 // 04:55:12 Urizen GREAT shot, i'm sure Magritte would be proud!!!!
I hope so...thanks Urizen!
2006-03-17 // 15:22:29 bonnie ,,...or did you pull up all of the red flowers shooting your last series? :-x
LOL - see my answer/rant below!
2006-03-17 // 15:21:40 bonnie sky behind the hat is definitely it for me! and pink flower? 'cause ez is a girl?
Glad you like it Bonnie! no...I don't sexually stereotype (after all, I am a male nurse ~ which seems to surprise some when I have to explain that there is no actual difference in job description between male & female nurses, so defining me as a male nurse is as redundant as saying a person is a female taxi-driver for example!)
Getting back to your question ~ I just thought it would be nice to have a different colour, and the ones in our garden are either red or pink!