2007-08-18 // 08:14:00
such a mysterious atmosphere, i love it
thanks again!! this was such a fun shot to do. nothing beats spending the morning alone and drunk in creep alleyways!!

2007-06-15 // 00:58:16
wow, that's crasy about pickpocketing ..(i just read the story again).
were you there all by youself at 4am? don't forget "Hostel-ed"..

haha i was there alone. but i figured i was safe...hostel took place in prague. the only thing i had to worry about in barcelona was too many drugs.

2007-06-14 // 23:18:30
very misterious..like in a movie..love it!
it was quite a long and intoxicated process to get this one!! hehe

2007-06-05 // 10:15:11
looks like a lot of good work is done in these late / early hours.

great shot

thank you kindly!

2007-06-04 // 19:11:20
fuji pack film better than gold! poor thief... this shot is my fav of the series
thanks yo. and i agree!! fuji film IS better than gold! he lost out.

2007-06-04 // 19:10:24

Ok now i can better picture the scene lol:)!!!

hahaha i barely remember it!!