2007-06-11 // 22:30:58
whaoooo!!! Great!!!
merci, VB

2007-06-07 // 15:43:52
wow - this is fantastic. It goes on FOREVER

2007-06-06 // 21:02:21
You've returned to the underground! Nice, almost futuristic. Do people give you wierd looks when you set up your tripod(?) and SX-70, or are they used to it, living in a big city and all?

Around here people tend to duck and cover as soon as I pull my SX-70...

no tripod... hence the wobble! I'm used to people looking freeeked when I pull out a camrera ;-)

2007-06-06 // 18:53:01
beautiful, love the colours. the long exposure makes it seem as if the viewer is travelling... v +f
thanks - very kind words...