2007-06-15 // 13:31:11
hahahaha awwwww yeeeaaaah. god bless pinhole!

2007-06-15 // 01:38:50
just perfect.
what's your "focallength" - no vignetting, but still looks wide ?

hmmm...i'll have to get back to you on that one. i'm not entirely sure.

2007-06-15 // 01:02:33
it's great the way blurs pull you into the photo.
pinhole warp!

thanks yo. for being a crappy blue cardboard box, i'm impressed with its results. and people look at you like you're mad when you walk around with a cardboard box on a tripod.

2007-06-15 // 00:58:31
i love
i love
i love
i love
i love

thank you sir!