2007-07-19 // 01:40:46
yes, please tell, tell! I'm a newbie here, how do you achieve coverage of the whole frame? I love this. I was going to buy my 1st holgaroid but was a bit sad about the off-center effect.
Thx in advance

unfortunately, it doesn't actually cover the entire film plane. although, it does seem to be more centered (and possibly slightly larger) than "official" holga polaroid back. it wasn't hard to make. i disassembled an old land camera (removed the lens, hardware, and bellows) and mounted my holga to it. there is a whole thread in a forum about it on flickr. go here: »link

2007-06-17 // 02:09:44
DIY? you make me curious! just dicovered the holga can cover square pola full frame, but the back is so expensive... tell me more!

have you heard about INFINITY »link ?

i'll send you details