2010-10-25 // 12:18:26
this is quite different from what I normally like by you but...

i love your writing! More specifically, your story-telling. You often tell stories in the description. I like to know the 'behind the scenes" about a photograph. I have my own theories as to what's going on but it's always nice to see what artist have to say.

By the way, i taped up the seams on my 180. I tried responding to you the other day but i was having internet problems as usual and completely forgot about it. (thanks for the tips)

I hope you're doing well.


My writing is never usually so neat. It gets rather scrappy becaúse I'm always trying to write fast. So I really did have to practise a few times to get it right.

There's often a story somewhere. Certain pictures get taken with a specific person or event in mind. I like to add a hint, either in the title or the description. I think it's because one of the most inspiring things for me is the desire to record something in a tangible way.

Glad the taping worked. It's messy, but at least it makes the camera useable again.

2007-12-29 // 05:45:55
Yes, a DYMO label machine. They're quite the thing here.

I noticed that. A bit retro.I love the image with the written text. You are gifted with both words and with images.

Thank you. I've always thought of myself as more of a word person. Pictures came as a surprise.

2007-09-14 // 12:03:51
is that one of those little machine thingys that prints sticky lables with letters on, thery're great fun when your bored at work! excellent pic
Yes, a DYMO label machine. They're quite the thing here.

2007-09-05 // 10:30:42
definitely ART!!!!!
Um, thanks!

2007-08-29 // 18:42:53
I'd promptly buy chickens.

2007-08-29 // 10:35:11
could give a shit about the pola, but i like the swee' lil' poem.

let me correct this: If a girl gave ME this Pola, I'd be crazy mad about her in two seconds flat. Divorced of any personal connection, it just makes me think of chicken wire.

And if a girl gave you some chicken wire?

2007-06-21 // 09:06:11
I know. My new postman just isn't what I had hoped for. Also, now that I'm no longer alerted to comment replies, I can't keep up with any conversations. ..sigh. .how long has this been going on? Just me? DOn't answer here or I wont' hear about it. .

2007-06-18 // 22:32:40
Strange, I never got this Pola in the mail. You did intend it for me, no?

(confession: I truly do believe I am at the center of everyone's Universe/fantasies/plans/a mbitions/etc)

Perhaps it is caught in the mail. Check with your post agent.

(great great)

I think the postman stole it. (You know how he detests you and plots to ruin you and steal your Polaroids, house, car, wife, kid, collection of stuffed bandicoots.)

2007-06-18 // 16:16:53
I really like it !


It likes you too, but shhhhh. It's shy.

2007-06-18 // 15:38:33
fucking amazing handwriting. very very well done.
i really really like this picture.

Ha! Yessss! Thank you. Handwriting just does not get much neater than this specimen here. I wish I could always write this neat, but I'm not an android, so I can't. (But I really really wish I had an android.)

2007-06-18 // 11:53:42
haha. Well i am flattered :)
Oh and by the way. Your handwriting is very... neat. thats the word :)

Ah, now I'm glad you noticed that!

2007-06-18 // 11:31:36
lovely composition


Hurray hurray! Thank you. My handwriting is very neat, too. I'm waiting for someone to mention how neat my handwriting is.

2007-06-18 // 10:58:14
love it!! v+f
Thank you! I think now is perhaps the time to confess that I was inspired by the style of your tender SX-70 shots.