2008-08-06 // 16:01:07
yEah !!!!!!!

C'est le live a la Loco de Barcelone ???

il me semble effectivement. sacré groupe live. je ne les vu qu'une seule fois, mais bien chouette...
je trouve que le morceau colle bien à la photo, non?

2007-06-20 // 22:54:08
i hope i´ll leave such good lookimg bones.

I hope too!!!
I hope too so don't forget your shampoo & toothpaste in the other side...

2007-06-20 // 22:53:15
ha. the catacombes in paris.
great place...to be reminded of our own mortality.

all these people felt like we feel
all these people loved, hated, suffered and had their joys, goals, believes, like we do.