2007-06-21 // 23:53:53
äääääähhhh......Athens?... .... Roma????........ Bangkok?......
arrgghh...see, i was pretty sure i eventually remembered which city it is..
I thought it was Tokyo but now you wrote me Roma, Athens...arrggh i'm no longer sure of anything!!


2007-06-21 // 23:06:52
even though it might be "cliche", the buildings framing the tower make it work well.
hehe ;) "cliché" indeed but i kinda like it...

Aaaah....Paris sera toujours Paris...

Thanks for your comment Drew and for the fav'!

2007-06-21 // 22:50:37
it looks like, nice? I can't make it out very well though
nice shot!

Aaah...you might be right!! Nice?...yeah...may be...but er...i'm still not really sure...hmmm

Thx for the "nice" comment ;)