2007-07-14 // 20:20:21 what is a peni? or is it a typo again and you mean 2 pennies? in the latter case, I can tell you that this is no reason to brag - I got 6 cent! bwaeh! ps: now I know what zazie meant when she said "oh my god, yours is 4 times as big as zevi's two little ones togetha!" I always wondered what she meant, thougth she would be talking about your little fingers...
2007-07-14 // 12:49:06 I *do* like this pic! I like grumpy people - I have to, after all I have to hang around with myself all day. hope your eye will behave again soon! ps: now that I see what you wrote about "rather tongue than eyes", I understand why zazie prefers *me*!
2007-06-25 // 15:13:01
2007-06-23 // 20:33:16
2007-06-23 // 20:02:41
2007-06-23 // 19:05:04