2007-10-10 // 13:49:16 LiA im übrigen erinnert mich das an ein konzept an dem ich gerade arbeite, haha :-)
also inhaltlich total anders und auch visuell, aber naja wirst dann (irgendwann) sehen!
das hier ist alles ziemlich schnell von innen heraus gesprudelt. in circa einer knappen stunde war alles belichtet, anders hätte es wohl auch nicht funktioniert.
lass dir trotzdem die zeit, die es braucht. ich warte gespannt!
2007-10-10 // 13:40:15 LiA das sollte mindestens shot of the day werden, fnde es total wunderbar!
2007-08-02 // 02:33:49 patrick_winfield very poweful words. thanks for the translation.
2007-08-01 // 04:59:05 patrick_winfield wow- i like the narrative you have with these images. i can't read the text....
wonderful work!
okay, i try to translate it for you :) sometimes it can be very hard to use english words for german text and the other way round.
A human was born and thought shortly time is not a thing but rather a dependency. Naive - however fascinated he addicted to it.
In the clutter to get with every second a new future there were right the same amount of questions. As backlash to the glut the human reacts with stagnation - disabled by everything provided. When quietness came back he left the time and went away.
mmh.. I'm not good with translations. Hope you enjoy it anyway.
greets and thanks