2007-09-20 // 06:13:50
Matthew Kern
F$ck dude.....rad!.....
thanks man. i'm seriously impressed he stood that still for that long. skills.

2007-07-06 // 22:28:15
yes this is just great, really!
thank you very much lia! that light painting is just sooooooo much fun to do!

2007-07-04 // 19:05:48
yeah i love shots of artists studios and the gear they use...i saw some sparklers in that shot...look forward to seeing the next ones- always a treat!

thanks brother. i'll get some shit up soon.

2007-07-04 // 06:27:36
yes-yes-yes well done my friend!
thank you kindly sir. this was my favorite of the weekend. i think i'm gonna invest in a bunch of different flashlights and definitely include a few high powered ones in there. kinda like that one shot of all those cats' gear.

2007-07-04 // 02:20:09
Yes for that one :p !!!
You don't need a light meter for light painting, what a useless thing to buy lol ;)!!!!

haha thanks cyril. haha i know i don't. i bought it for everything else. it was semi-helpful haha

2007-07-04 // 02:03:59
A M A Z I N G, Drew, I think you are magic.
thank you very much kim. this was my favorite light painting of the weekend.

2007-07-04 // 00:03:58
You don't think so, eh Drew? Three votes already...

2007-07-03 // 23:57:55
+++++ super !
thanks again yo!

2007-07-03 // 22:50:45
f**cking great man...!
thank you sir!!