2007-07-30 // 09:32:13
this one has such a sot texture!!!
of course you had an amazing model here!!!
her skin is just too perfect and you made it look even better...

well done.
vote and love

thanks again exithp!! this was definitely my favorite shot from that digital shoot. this girl had such a great look. scary that she is only 16!! haha

2007-07-25 // 05:03:43
Such a flawless shot.
thank you very much! i was really stoked cuz this was one of the first pola shots of the day. i was proud because i felt like this shot illustrated that polaroid dominates over the digital nonsense that was going on. i call it an "o'bedlam".

2007-07-22 // 14:49:53
“The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time”
William Butler Yeats

thanks! great quote too btw.

2007-07-20 // 22:37:32
that eyebrow man......she is one intense beauty with all the right features.... Only one?! I would have shot my monthly allowance on this face! Great light and treatment of this model.
thanks yo. i do have more. they'll be up soon. i'm just slacking.