2007-09-26 // 22:57:01
Aah..gives me a feeling of..macrovision.
hahahaha word.

2007-09-14 // 03:31:38
Matthew Kern
and this..........your gonna make me cry.......good thing, well I don't want to incriminate myself.........
hahaha well...i needed something to test the closeup lenses!!!

2007-09-08 // 12:38:23
yummy :))
haha thanks dude

2007-07-28 // 02:17:53
Héhéhéhé :p!!!

Fuck you bought the close up lense glass backing for the 600SE, i forgive you for the digital shoot then lol ;)!!
How is it? Would love to have one, how much did you buy it?

duuuuuude...with the ground glass backing, it is amazing. you can do some reall awesome portrait work with it. i think i got it for around $200 u.s. with the lens set, the ground glass, an extra film backing, and a remote release cable!!! talk about deals. all on ebay.

2007-07-22 // 12:42:03
a bit fuzzy already, haha
haha yeah. too bad that is now all gone haha