2008-02-26 // 22:55:17 g. true. would bring it to the point. will see, if two months will suffice.
though - shit. have no scans of the developing. and only one loaded left (where already three ideas exist, and in any of them I would have to part with it). my plan was not to open the other one before i'm in riga. hmhm. hard decision.
but great idea. tempting. very.
2008-02-26 // 22:21:38 g. _very_ ephemeral images. like that, and fear that the same time. no problems with fading in general, but if it happens that fast, it could mean I end up doing high-res scans hourly (developing stadium), daily (in case of crinkles and bubbles), weekly (dito), monthly (4 sure) for those.....which would mix up the relations analogue vs.digital (speaking of time) a bit too much for my taste. shit. sounds like a typical love-phenomenom.
I tell you, I nearly cried when I saw how much these ones (»link / »link) had faded in only a few months... I think it could be a perfect art installation, what you describe!
2008-02-26 // 17:34:02 g. aah, now I'm nearer. these white marks, what are they? no emulsion? mucho? hm. (trying to understand the film, just shot one and guess I've been quite lucky with that one, no bubbles, lovely streaks so far.)
my 600 bw experience produced a lot of these crinkles - I think the chemicals have just dried out. but the sad thing is they fade so fast... many of these images are no longer what they once were... the flaws are actually quite engaging when you get into them!
2007-10-04 // 19:34:13 presse_bouton all i like in this diptich: eyes and grey! nice pictures!!