2007-10-09 // 14:20:24
ha'! don't worry
you made it perfectly witout it!

2007-10-09 // 13:55:34
; )

: )

if only i'd used sx-70 instead.

2007-08-30 // 15:00:39
this one makes me a bit depressed, I just realized that I havent goon swimming all summer!! But still that has nothing with this shot which is beautiful
summer's not over yet.
but i have a feeling you may be busy.

2007-08-16 // 04:05:12
that is one of my favorite things to do- if i can resist...putting the pics back in the box w/o looking- they are such a treat sometimes when i do see them.

or the can be evil and i say- i should have taken this one 7 more times!!! or from this angle. it is tricky.


2007-08-15 // 19:30:24
Great ... beautiful curves :-)

Vote from Copenhagen.

//Lars SX70.dk »link

2007-08-15 // 17:41:54
sooooo dope. v+f!!!
thanks drew - always nice to get a nod from you.

2007-08-15 // 17:39:56
wonderful orezemit !


thanks p_w.
wish i'd had time to do a mosaic while i was there. as it was i just took shots here and there when i could and put them back in the box. didn't even look at most of them until the flight home.

2007-08-15 // 16:08:30
Fantastic picture.
one advice: why don't you put two or more of them together, it would make a brillant set. But you have my vote in any case.

Thanks Bart.
I did play with that idea before scanning and will probably do so eventually. To achieve the effect I want I'll have to remove some of the white borders so I decided to scan and post individually before altering the pictures.