2007-12-18 // 21:06:36
WOW a great grad to black,, V
hey thanks mark! haven't gotten a wow ever on one of my pics (i thin), so thanks! glad you like :)

2007-09-28 // 11:42:08
the sky is great! v+f
thankyou my dear! :) :)

2007-09-17 // 03:27:12

A ravishing shot!
Carmen said it below, perfectly, in three words.
Cool pure shot.
{ vote }


Were you thrilled when you peeled this open? I would have been quite excited, up there on the plane. Did anybody around you notice? Did they ooh and aah? Or did they perhaps think you were a terrorist? In the year 2007 a Land 101 looks rather suspicious. Point one at the wing and you're liable to get gang-tackled.


Why thankyou my dear!!! ^_^


Hahaha. Oh yes I was thrilled when I peeled »link I took this shot first which my bf was quite impressed with. And he said "why take another? It'll look the same!" Loving a challenge I snapped away to reveal this beauty. Oh and no, no one noticed. But I thought someone would notice the smell and ask what I was up to...