2007-08-22 // 18:44:11
she's a jar
with a heavy lid
my pop quiz kid
sleepy kisser
when the feelings hit
she begs me not to miss her....

2007-08-21 // 11:34:28
haha, t'as tout de même posté :D

2007-08-19 // 15:38:46
yo. the squares come much better if been able to get a real focus.

2007-08-19 // 12:27:33
How can you use type 87 film in a 355 camera? I don't understand, pack film bellows cameras don't accept square format pack film??!!
I was thinking such things...

but... it works.

Just try.

I actually did regret a lot to discover it was working so late.

2007-08-19 // 08:10:27
great shot