2007-10-24 // 00:09:54
per le corna di belzebu! e questo jelly pesce?
ve lo siete magnati dopo? l avete messo in frizer?
complimenti macsone!

grazie ricky.!

no, no...lo abbiamo rimesso in mare, era troppo bello da vedere.!
pensa, è una medusa di 1 kg. e mezzo ed è innoqua. fantastica.!

2007-10-08 // 11:39:13
smoochie is on the cover!!

we could to adopt smoochie in distance (it seems that all hollywood stars like to do)...hey, but I'm not a star.!.
I will take care for her scolarship (book, dress etc.. ) and for her first drive licence.
One time a year we could arrange a meeting all together in Sicily, so you will swim with her.!

too stupid...!

2007-10-08 // 10:23:34
questa mattina mi sveglio e guardo la polaroid del giorno e...
wow! hai vinto! sono contento!

ehi, grazie...davvero, sei molto gentile.!

2007-10-08 // 03:10:53
so beautiful! i agree with Urizen- i had to look at it longer to believe what i saw.



many thanks Patrick...!
I think just this picture is not what I really saw that morning
in that boat...but, you know, I have just this image.!
I never see a beauty like this, a real joy for my eyes.!

2007-10-08 // 02:23:37
Congratulations, macs!
Thanks so much, Siho.!

2007-10-01 // 18:54:58
jelly fishes are so beautiful! would love to swim between them some day!
did you touch it?
did you give it a name?

i'll name him smoochie.

yeeesssssssss...I touched it and I flirted in the water with one, but
she (? ) was so timid and after a while (s-he) found one tourist more beautiful than me (these japanese tourist knows how to flirt, not only photographs.!)...may be I'm too fat and hairy for Medusas.
...but s-he will remain forever in my heart.!

2007-10-01 // 18:24:47
it definitely looks better under water.
yes, you are right, Norah, but after this picture the fisherman
put it again in the sea...we insisted, but have been a great experience see one live from the bottom...
most of the tourists there, are really afraid when they see one in the sea, so some of them kill them (stupids.!... cause they do not know that this kind of medusa is innocuous ).
so the fisherman explain us that, like in this case, he want to teach peoples, showing one live, that they have not to be afraid about it.!

2007-09-29 // 12:34:44
questa foto è fantastica! sembra un gioiello, è un polpo?
ciao...è una medusa di dimensioni enormi...il pescatore che la tiene tra le mani mi assicura che si tratta di un esemplare di oltre un chilo, ma dice anche che in giro ce ne sono di molto più grosse.!
la cosa particolare è che quelle + grandi sono le meno pericolose

è davvero uno spettacolo vederle dal vivo...purtroppo la foto non rende giustizia alla sua bellezza

ciao e grazie del commento.

2007-09-28 // 14:15:11
WoW! Like holding a star nebula in your hands!
hey Uri...it was like touch a gelatin cake...!
the colors are incredible...
at the beginning, when the fisherman pick it up on the boat, I was afraid, but after a while we became good friends.!

2007-09-28 // 11:03:37
How gorgeous! ...What is this?
Hi Siho...this is a big Medusa...it's about 1 Kg. and half.
It's not dangerous like the small ones.
They are so fantastic when you see live...!