2007-10-26 // 18:45:38
thank you very much!!

2007-10-25 // 23:42:25
oh i love this. perfect composition.
it's slightly cropped, but thanx and congratulations for your fresh sotd!

2007-10-03 // 21:32:01
Well, ok, that's a short way to explain it, but since you ask:
I'm going through a devours right now, feeling that my life have stood still for years. As if all I've waned to do have been standing in line like locked carts, without having a penny to release a single one of them. "The white stripe on the ground" lead to the road of freedom where I can get the money to release all the carts that I want. And all of them contains enough room to carry all the beautiful friends and moments that the future will brings.
All I have to do is to follow the white stripe on the ground...

You see?

A very freudian analysis! Hope the white stripe is a short one

2007-10-03 // 20:54:44
Just something inside me responded instantly when seeing this.
Can everything in life be explained??
Could you please tell me why you posted it?? and why you took it?

ok, ok, you convinced me: nothing more difficult than explaining why I took a picture :)

2007-10-03 // 01:49:44
This mean a lot to me!

(seriously... I'm not joking)

I mean it!!!!!!!!


Thank you! And now I'm curious... feel free to tell me why ;)