2008-01-20 // 00:00:40
Good to hear your parents came out fine!

This looks impressive, as usual..

thank you my friend, on all counts.

2007-10-24 // 11:27:35
probably right!

2007-10-24 // 09:41:20
great montage, my favourite is the one on the botton row, second from the right (the corridor) really looks lonely and empty, which is kind of how you would feel if you were waiting in an un-homely hospital. its good that you could get something so beautiful in what must of been a really stressful time
thanks a lot. yeah...it was all i could do to keep my mind off of it. well...that and gamble. hehe i thought this to be more productive.

2007-10-01 // 20:35:58
well done than...
thank you sir.

2007-10-01 // 15:32:11
great montage.love it,
but i think it's funny that out of your stress while waiting for your parents, you start thinking about art and strat shooting the hospital ...
why not...

thanks a lot exit. yeah...honestly...th at was the only way i knew how to deal with it. sure they were fine, but it was hard watching the two people that have taken care of me my whole life be so vulnerable. so i felt the needed to turn the bad into good.

2007-10-01 // 01:34:04
ehi this deserves a sotd.. real and touching. vf
thanks a lot matz. greatly appreciated.

2007-09-30 // 14:38:34
I had to spend lot of time in hospital when my dad was in an bike accident few years ago...he's brain damaged now and don't even reconise us...glad your parents are ok!
Love this hospital collage, some color remind me of the polaroids i did when AJ got his chest removal in SF...
Anyway as always this is great work Drew :)!!

thanks a lot cyril.

for what it's worth, i'm sorry to hear about your dad.

2007-09-30 // 13:49:18
I'm sorry to hear that your parents were in an accident, I hope they are recovering well... Great storyboard though.
thanks pola. they are indeed doing well. i appreciate the comment a ton.