Liquid hand grenade. I carry a bottle through bad neighborhoods. A capful thrown in the eyes of a thuggg mugger does the trick.
There is a fantastic comic novel by James Hamilton-Paterson in which FB plays a large part, with some unfortunate consequences for everybody involved ... »link
Too true. ..the stuff is simply fucking awful. I firmly believe those who espouse its medicinal wonders/unique flavors are simply insistent rather than admit they were wrong to ever, ever, ever allow the stuff to get past their teeth. Myself, I stayed away from ye olde FB.
Thanks for the link. . .may well have to pick that one up!
2007-10-15 // 19:51:08 g. maybe it depends on the beer?
just kiddin.
but maybe it's meant ironical. cause we have another rhyme as well saying the opposite - also works in english, so:
beer on wine, that is fine.
just - fine for what?
but enough alcohol wisdom now, i got a bad flu, so will have a beer and a good shot of strong herb liquer (no fernet!) and hopefully sleep well.
2007-10-15 // 14:21:04 g. yes, you did. and yes, wonderful light.
so nice you sense both after a night like that.
(another rule is no beer after wine, though wine after beer is ok, there is a rhyme in german for that, so quite easy to remember in certain situations. and it's damned true)
we have a rhyme as well:
wine before beer, in the clear.
which, of course, recommends EXACTLY the opposite of your advice. Funny, no?