2007-12-22 // 03:40:33 wish Is a verse from "close to me"....one of the Cure's greatest hits fom the album "the head on the door" (you've taken a pola of the first single sleeve...."inbetween days")!!!
well. I guess I am just really square and out of it..I could not for the life of me remember what this was!!!
2007-12-20 // 21:52:54 wish ...."An'if I only was sure / That my head on the door was dre-e-eam"...du du du dudu dududu...
please clarify..where is that from
2007-11-09 // 02:22:21 frugorfoto for ham especially
2007-11-09 // 00:44:41 silvana hahahaaa!!!!
infact: there's a cure for every thing!
2007-11-08 // 19:09:47 silvana very "The Cure" !!!!
Love it!
ciao T.