2007-12-02 // 11:48:58
oh this is just lovely!
I have been set the ask of getting my boyfriend a lovely instant camera.. I wish I knew as much about them as you!

ah, that comes with time. for years, I didn't know myself the lands have a battery compartement ;-)
(I really recommend the 340 or 440. 350, 355, 360, 450 are also fine - if you're looking for a packfilm camera. check the landlist »link for an information overdose... ;-)

2007-11-12 // 19:40:03

; ) a good double meaning


Ah, you Europeans. You all speak English so obnoxiously well, better than most Amerikans ... and I end up feeling just wretchedly monolingual ...

haha, don't tell me you missed it. I'd say I simply made some prepositions- or whatever (I'M very bad when it comesto - I leave this mistake. comesto sounds nice - names) mistake.
You should come to København one day. Their English will knock you off. Better than the Brits. Quite an advantage to raise up in an openminded country that doesn't consider itself as the centre of the world, I guess. ahem.


and hej.. I don't have to butter you up now, no? but...really? just _one_ language? italiano? espagnol? hm.
danish is so cute. and latvian, I like that. the habit of not saying much, but if, a lot with just some words. endless endings. endless meanings. but still to the point. uh, that'll be a hard one to learn. at least, I feel the groove already.
hm. Europe. yes. I want to see Georgia.

2007-11-12 // 17:42:35
what a cool gift. and a nice shot.
(besides of her eyes looking at the camera, these two shots made me feel very happy)

2007-11-12 // 08:45:34
kommt mir bekannt vor, hab auch ner freundin im august zum geburtstag ne 101 automatic geschenkt plus zwei DP 665 + 669er filme. sie hat sich die kamera auch gewünscht und die verstaubt jetzt schön im regal... du glücklicher!
das is ja echt 'ne schande. und dann noch mit diesen herrlichen filmen. hm. nicht ärgern.
tatsächlich bin ich auch nicht auf stand, wie es bei ihr aussieht. aber gefreut hat sie sich. und das sie keine filme mehr hat, hat sie auch noch nicht gesagt. aber wie auch immer - muss ja nicht jeder sooo verrückt sein wie wir. und das ist vermutlich auch gut so.
(wobei - bei einem bin ich mir sicher. verstauben wird sie bei ihr nicht. das ist schon ihr schatz.)
ach mann, wie doof. und 'ne 101. ach.

2007-11-12 // 01:13:35

"... and thought a lot about each shot ..."


I really like that, too.


but there was a doublemeaning: I also liked her shots itself a lot.
(but english is not my first language...)