2007-12-06 // 03:12:33
How do fella? Not called round for a while. This is a great shor and she really is a beautiful machine. v+f

2007-11-21 // 14:47:30
Very nice man. The B/W shots from the pack camera´s are the most beautifull thing in the world. Feeling the need for more film for my 450, I´ve just ordered a new supply, so I hope it don´t take too long.

(skriver på engelsk, hvis noen andre skulle gidde å lese ;) )

That's true brother! I love my 230! (but not as much as i love my 69' Vespa;)
I see that I state that this as a Fuji film, but that's wrong... It's Polaroid's 667...
I love the FP3000B evan better though!

(svara på engelsk å e, i tilfelle andre sku gidde å bry se;)