2007-11-24 // 10:17:51
have you heard that their keyboard player, jon, also known for lead roles in porn movies, has written somewhere that it was time for the band to split, and that they are all doing solo?
I don't think a split would last too long, they work too well together. I know that drummer and phonic loop expert Quentin's solo project 'My Cock Feels Drunk' gain a lot of interest but I don't think he plan's to leave the band. I think Jon's massive drug intake (see picture) and his dedication to the porn industry has isolated him from the group. But I also read that guitarist Dan is planning an intervention and getting him into rehab. Don't worry they'll all be back together soon enough with an album to rival 'Blonde on Blonde', 'Sticky Fingers', 'Sergent Pepper's', 'Nevermind' or even 'Take That and Party'