2008-02-28 // 00:01:18
I was wondering if the Fuji FP-100B film was wet after shot...how do you store it after shot ?
Do you have to wait 15mns to dry.
600 is convenient for that and how is Fuji FP-100B ?
Thanks :)

2008-01-07 // 17:51:47
this is gorgeous
thank you ..

2007-12-03 // 01:46:42
just perfect. because of the tree, because of the child(? or is that you, without the umbrella? thinking about the title..). for me. with this 'flaws'. theymake it. make my eyes wonder and wander. super.
I like your photos a lot anyway, something calm in them, but this I think (without checking) is my personal favourite - if I had to choose.

(just out of curiousity -was that cloud so dark or did you use a filter? where?)

It`s not me without the umbrella, but i was also without ;-)..and the cloud was exactly like this, no filters..
It`s one of my favorite to. This is Zadar, city in dalmatia one of my dearest city`s in Croatia..
Glad you like it g.
Btw, i have Slivovica..now i just have to organize and you will have it before the Christmas i hope. ;-)