2007-12-16 // 20:44:18
why would you? Is it necessary to get rid of that love? :-)
haha, maybe. maybe not. i'll hang on as long as i can

2007-12-16 // 19:59:40
absolutely adore these!
thanks LliA. secretly i do too... will grow out of it one day perhaps

2007-12-16 // 18:01:44
all 3 of these are gonna shot of the day if your not careful! lol x

2007-12-16 // 12:13:34
hehe ;-)

2007-12-16 // 01:22:42
Now as you probably know I'm a big fan of diptychs.. and this just makes me smile.. love the SX-70 colours!
yeah it made me smile too! funny little characters. glad you like it polagem

2007-12-15 // 15:40:30
very good!!! v, f
thank you arturo. i always enjoy hearing your comments as i admire your work very much,