2008-03-19 // 00:33:29
Yes...try something... you may play with different image size in the same triptych if technically possible under scale the banana, overscale the dick, then rotate midscale the wine glass....rotating could be fun too for the dick. That will be a kinky rollers coaster overall ! ;)

2008-03-18 // 11:57:13
Don't you think the whole "Bouche a l'action" serie could work fine in triptych ?
Its just my feeling ;)

yeah man, I can see where you are coming from I might set them up vertical.

2008-01-02 // 12:17:03
Not too bad, thanks! Have got a couple of bottles of the nice bubbly stuff (as shown in my pics of yesterday!) left over for another time

2007-12-31 // 20:13:26
really nice v

2007-12-31 // 19:18:07
Thank you, same to you - lovely shot!
thanks sulfiteman.. I hope you had a good one!