2008-04-04 // 02:00:11 yuanreva just add mamiya press on cameranoid list, i've added rollei 6001 once,, well nice to know its real pola ;D
I never realised you could add cameras - doh!
Correction made, thanks for the tip :)
2008-04-03 // 05:16:47 yuanreva i wonder how can mamiya 6X7 get a full-framed shot?
isn't it supposed to be framed 6X7 with a black border line??
You are right, this shot was taken with a Mamiya Press camera, but that was not on the list so I picked the closest to it.
The Mamiya Press is a big and bulky range finder - but a joy to use and very satisfying :)
2008-01-08 // 00:35:04 finphoto1972 great shot - love it!! lighting?v+f
Thanks! lighting was a simple 50cm soft box ;)
2008-01-07 // 18:40:23 marco great attitude! beautiful dress, shoes, attitude....
2008-01-07 // 17:50:39 cazzie love this shot, the composition, the idea and the expression.
she looks far too dressed up to be in the loo though, get that girl to a party!
Cheers for the comment! we had a lot of fun on this shoot :)